News & Whatnot
Product Updates: Bringing You and Your Community Closer Together with Rewards Club
Introducing Rewards Club, an achievement-based loyalty programme to recognise and reward your most active customers with perks like coupons and access to exclusive shows. This always-on, easy-to-enter program tracks buyer interactions and delivers fun rewards and status for shoppers–boosting engagement, retaining buyers, and driving more sales to your business on Whatnot.
Revamping Our Seller Academy
As part of our efforts to streamline info for sellers, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our revamped Seller Academy homepage!
This new design conveniently lays out all seller resources in a simple-to-navigate page with quick navigation by topic. We’ve also added some totally new resources to Seller Academy like Community Guidelines & Policies, the @whatnotsellers Account, Blog Updates, and Platform Status!
Product Updates: Improved Inventory Management and More Insight Into Your Show
We’ve been working on new features to streamline your inventory across shows and your profile shop, and an update to Promote Tools so you can see your performance on a show and campaign level.
Clip The Moment
Some of the most fun moments of your day can happen during a Whatnot livestream. Whether you’re on the viewing or selling end of the show, you never know what might happen.
Product Updates: Introducing Free Pickup and An Improved Card Breaks Experience
We’re excited to introduce new features to help you grow your business, including a fast and free delivery method and an improved breaking experience to sell break spots faster than ever: Free Pickup and a new Breaks feature.
Our ongoing work: tackling scams on Whatnot
At Whatnot, we’re always working hard to keep the platform a fun and trustworthy place. So today, we want to provide you with an update on how we’re tackling scams on Whatnot: detecting bad actors more quickly, shutting down their accounts, and preventing them from coming back.
Whatnot Debuts WhatnotCon – the World's Largest Virtual Comic Con
Comics Legends Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld and Tyler Kirkham Return to Whatnot to Offer Fans One-of-a-Kind Collectibles, Including the Iconic SPAWN Funny Car
Whatnot Launches New Report On The Future of Shopping
Every day we are blown away by what our sellers accomplish on Whatnot. From the communities you build to the products you sell, it’s clear that what you do is the future of shopping. We were interested to learn more about how people felt about live shopping, so we partnered with a survey company to learn more about how Brits feel. The results were pretty fascinating.
Product Updates: Drive More Sales With Auctions and Video Listings
Today, we’re excited to introduce two new features that integrate some of the best parts of live shopping with the convenience of asynchronous listings on the marketplace: Auctions and Video Listings.
The Whatnot Spring Sale: Save Up To 70% on the Hottest Fashion and Beauty Brands
From Friday, April 5 to Sunday, April 7, the Whatnot Spring Sale will feature your favorite brands at incredible deals including COS, Rag & Bone, Dior, Skims, Free People, and more – all at 70% off or more.
Top 8 Whatnot Seller Resources
Embarking on the journey of becoming a successful Whatnot seller requires not only a passion for your particular interests but also a solid understanding of Whatnot itself and all it has to offer. In our mission of empowering Whatnot sellers to turn their passions into businesses, we've curated a list of the most helpful resources.
Product Updates: Introducing Seller API, Improved Discovery and Referral Codes
We’re always looking at ways to help sellers easily manage and grow their business on Whatnot. With over 200 items sold every minute on Whatnot, one of the most requested tools from sellers is a seamless way to add all of their inventory to Whatnot from other sales channels.
National Pokémon Day 2024
Prepare your Pokéballs because today is National Pokémon Day! Trainers and enthusiasts across the globe will be celebrating the launch of the very first Pokémon games, released in Japan back in 1996. Three years ago Whatnot brought livestream shopping to the world of Pokémon TCG and never looked back. Today, a Pokemon card is sold every second on Whatnot, where you can find thousands of sellers offering singles, slabs, sealed products, and so much more.
Product Updates: New Tools to Prepare for Your Livestream
It's been incredible watching so many of you go live for the first time, having fun with your first chatters, and making your first sale – but we know that along with that fun comes plenty of hard work and sometimes even a bit of anxiety as you prepare for your first show. While we released more than a feature a day last month, below are three new tools to help you feel confident and prepared heading into your show, plus three tips to help both new and experienced sellers succeed.
Marketing Your Business On and Off Whatnot
One of the exciting challenges that comes with starting on a new platform is gaining a following. There are plenty of ways to use in-app tools, social media, and your creativity to make it easier to gain an audience and build your brand. We want all of our sellers to succeed and find their community, so here are some tips to help you market your business on and off Whatnot.
What’s up on Whatnot: A letter from our CEO
We’re just at the beginning of the next chapter for online shopping, and the next chapter for Whatnot too. As we look ahead, I’d like to take a moment to reflect and thank you for the incredible journey over the past year, and give you an update on our key priorities: helping you grow your business and succeed, continuing to expand to new categories and communities to bring more people to Whatnot, and building products and craft policies to ensure a trustworthy buying experience for everyone.
New Year Resolutions From the Whatnot Community
As we kick off a new year, the Whatnot community is looking ahead for more ways to grow their businesses and cultivate belonging on Whatnot.
Let’s take a look at the top 5 themes our community has for their 2024 resolutions.
Introducing New Policies to Make Sports Cards Transactions Safer
While Whatnot was built to create a safe, welcoming space for people to share their passions with others, a few years ago we recognized that the Sports Card community presented unique trust and safety challenges that needed solving.
Building The Trust and Safety Rules Engine
Whatnot is one of the fastest-growing marketplaces in the world, and with that growth comes increased responsibility to ensure safety at every stage of the buying and selling experience.
Introducing Trust and Safety Metrics for Sellers
With the Trust & Safety Metrics tab, sellers can now see their order fulfillment stats in real-time to make sure their shipment times, fulfillment rates, and cancellation rates aren’t negatively affecting their business.