Maximize Your Tools to Grow Your Sales
3 tutorials to help you maximize tools to manage, promote, and grow your sales on Whatnot
Get ready to go from skilled seller to complete Whatnot expert. Here are 3 more tutorials that dive deeper into tools available to all sellers to amplify your business and your buyer's experience.
Uplevel Your Seller Hub
Learn about using the Seller Hub to uplevel your day-to-day for managing inventory, analytics, and going live from your computer.
Promote Tools
Here’s how to utilize Whatnot's Promote Tools to get your shows noticed in the app!
Add Sweeteners
Whether coupons, giveaways, shipping discounts, referral links, or multicasting to other platforms, here’s where you’ll learn how to use Whatnot's marketing tools to grow your audience and reward your buyers.
More helpful tutorials can be found on the Seller Hub for sellers with live access, in previous blog articles, and on our Whatnot YouTube channel. If you have any questions regarding other topics not discussed in our tutorials please contact our Seller Support team and let us know.